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Express Scripts reports lower growth rate in drug spending

February 7, 2018 12:34 AM UTC

In its 2017 Drug Trend Report, Express Scripts Holding Co. Inc. (NASDAQ:ESRX) reported that per-person spending on prescription drugs rose by the lowest rate in 24 years. The PBM also proposed regulatory and legislative changes that could help control or reduce drug prices in a public policy analysis released Tuesday alongside the report.

In 2017, per-person prescription drug spending rose by 1.5% compared with 3.8% in 2016. Among the drivers, Express Scripts noted that the unit costs of diabetes drugs decreased by 2.1%. In a statement announcing the report, the PBM said that the difference reflects its ability "to mitigate manufacturer price increases and help patients and their physicians choose effective, lower cost alternatives" (see BioCentury Extra, Feb. 6, 2017). ...