ARTICLE | Clinical News

AmpliMed restructuring after Amplimexon miss

July 12, 2010 11:06 PM UTC

AmpliMed Corp. (Tucson, Ariz.) will reduce headcount by 10 (63%) to 6, including part-time employees, and consider strategic options after Amplimexon imexon missed the primary endpoint in the Phase II AMP-019 trial to treat advanced stage IV metastatic pancreatic cancer in chemotherapy-naive patients. The small molecule cyanoaziridine plus gemcitabine did not significantly improve overall survival (OS) vs. placebo plus gemcitabine (p=0.64). AmpliMed said the trial required a 40% improvement in OS to reach statistical significance. The company also said that OS in each arm was about 6 months. The double-blind, U.S. trial enrolled 142 patients. ...