ARTICLE | Company News

Incyte, Eli Lilly deal

August 16, 2010 7:00 AM UTC

Incyte exercised its option to co-develop INCB28050 to treat rheumatoid arthritis under a December 2009 deal granting Eli Lilly exclusive, worldwide rights to develop and commercialize Incyte's Janus kinase-1 (JAK-1) and JAK-2 inhibitor and follow-on compounds for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Incyte is now responsible for funding 30% of the associated future global development costs from the start of a Phase IIb trial through regulatory approval. In return, Incyte is eligible for an increased royalty rate up to the high twenties on worldwide sales of INCB28050 for RA. The partners expect to start Phase IIb testing for the indication later this year (see BioCentury, Jan. 4). ...