Science spotlight: Moonlight’s enhanced T cells; plus a HUNK inhibitor and more
BioCentury’s roundup of translational innovations
Moonlight Bio Inc. has devised a new screening technique that can make T cell therapies more effective by identifying naturally occurring mutations that increase endogenous T cell fitness.
The authors, including researchers from Northwestern University and University of California San Francisco, found that a gene fusion between CARD11 and PIK3R3 increased AP-1 and NF-κB signaling, IL-2 production and tumor killing in vitro and in vivo. “Notably, this perturbation linking portions of two genes together would not have been identified by previous screening approaches,” said the authors of the Nature article...
BCIQ Company Profiles
BCIQ Target Profiles
Activator protein-1 (AP-1) (JUN)
Caspase recruitment domain family member 11 (CARD11)
Epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) (EGFR2) (ErbB2) (neu)
Hormonally up-regulated Neu-associated kinase (HUNK) (B19)
Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 1 (NF-kB) (NFKB1) (p105) (p50)