ARTICLE | Discovery & Translation

The omics promise: why this time is different

East-West Summit panelists weigh in on where multi-omics profiling is poised to move the needle, and where it’s not

November 19, 2022 1:18 AM UTC

From hypothesis generation to Phase III trial design, multi-omics data are increasingly being put to work across the drug development continuum. How quickly the tools can usher in precision medicine at scale will depend on companies making clear-eyed decisions about how to deploy them at each of those stages, according to a panel at this week’s BioCentury-BayHelix East-West Biopharma Summit. 

The confluence of a suite of technologies that have grown increasingly robust and the advent of machine-learning capabilities in interrogating large datasets have made multi-omics profiling poised to improve decision-making at all stages of drug development. ...