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Novartis’ new page prioritizes ‘high-value’ multibillion dollar assets

Narasimhan’s restructuring reunites oncology with rest of pharma, creates new role of chief strategy & growth officer

April 4, 2022 5:28 PM UTC
Updated on Apr 4, 2022 at 8:37 PM UTC

In its latest reorganization, Novartis intends to prioritize pharmaceutical products with multibillion dollar peak sales potential, while tasking a new C-level hire to be a gatekeeper who determines which pipeline candidates will make the cut.

Novartis AG (SIX:NOVN; NYSE:NVS) is taking steps to restructure its Innovative Medicines unit, eliminating some executive positions in the process, while stressing strategic priorities around high-growth and top-selling drugs. The pharma is also reorganizing its operations side to save at least $1 billion in costs by 2024...

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Novartis AG