NOV reports BBR 3464 Phase II results
Novuspharma (NMerc:NOV) reported preliminary data on Phase II studies of BBR 3464 cytotoxic tri-platinum complex. In an open-label study of 23 patients with non-small cell lung cancer who had failed one prior course of platinum-based chemotherapy, 1 partial response and a minor response with disease stabilization were seen. As a result, NOV said that it will treat an additional cohort of patients with a higher dose as part of the same study.
The second study was in 2 groups of ovarian cancer patients who had failed prior treatment with platinum and taxane. One group included 28 patients who had relapsed after a disease-free interval of at least 6 months. The second group included 23 refractory patients. NOV said objective partial responses were seen in 5 patients in the first group and a transient partial response in 1 patient in the second group. Adverse events included bone marrow suppression and gastrointestinal toxicity, without signs of nephro- or neurotoxicity. ...