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SAN gets $100M avian flu contract

September 16, 2005 12:45 AM UTC

The Department of Health and Human Services awarded sanofi-aventis (Euronext:SAN; SNY) a $100 million contract to manufacture a vaccine against the H5N1 avian influenza virus in bulk concentrate form. SAN may receive additional fees for storing, formulating and filling the vaccine at the U.S. government's request.

Last year, SAN received two H5N1 contracts from the U.S. government: one from NIH's National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to produce 8,000 doses, and the other from HHS for 2 million doses. NIAID is running a U.S. Phase I/II trial of SAN's H5N1 vaccine in 450 healthy volunteers, which is expected to be completed in October. SAN also is running clinical trials of the vaccine in France, which will be used to seek EU approval. Results are expected in the fourth quarter. ...