ARTICLE | Clinical News

Teams describe Zika NS5 protein's crystal structure

March 31, 2017 6:51 PM UTC

In three papers published Monday in Nature Communications, three separate groups identified the crystal structure of Zika virus non-structural protein NS5, which could help guide development of antivirals against Zika. While the researchers found the structure is about two-thirds conserved with structures of other flavivirus NS5 proteins such as Japanese encephalitis and dengue virus, they identified differences that could be used to inform drug design and screen for Zika inhibitors.

One group from Texas A&M University and Indiana University reported the crystal structure of both the full length NS5 and its polymerase domain at 3.0 Å resolution. Structural analysis showed the Zika virus NS5 protein’s orientation and network of interactions differed from that of the dengue virus NS5 protein...