ARTICLE | Clinical News

Triptorelin pamoate: Phase III data

July 20, 2015 7:00 AM UTC

An open-label, international Phase III trial in 44 patients with CPP showed that 2 intramuscular injections of a 6-month formulation of 22.5 mg triptorelin pamoate over 12 months led to >93% of patients with prepubertal LH levels at each time point on-treatment with 98% of patients achieving prepubertal LH levels at month 12. Additionally, clinical signs of puberty were stable or reduced in 89% of patients between baseline and month 12. Triptorelin pamoate was well tolerated with no unexpected adverse events reported. The product’s active ingredient, triptorelin, is marketed in more than 80 countries for various indications, including advanced prostate cancer and CPP. ...