ARTICLE | Clinical News

Belviq lorcaserin: Phase II data

November 17, 2014 8:00 AM UTC

Top-line data from a double-blind, U.S. Phase II trial in 603 active smokers showed that twice-daily 10 mg lorcaserin for 12 weeks met the primary endpoint of improving the continuous quit rate during the last 4 weeks of treatment vs. placebo (15.3% vs. 5.6%, p=0.003). The once-daily 10 mg dose of lorcaserin missed the endpoint (8.7%). The twice-daily dose of lorcaserin also met the secondary endpoint of a greater reduction in body weight from baseline to week 12 vs. placebo (0.98 vs. 0.01 kg, p=0.0004). The trial enrolled patients who were dependent on nicotine and averaged >=18 cigarettes per day to receive placebo or lorcaserin plus smoking cessation counseling before attempting to quit smoking around day 15. Arena said it will evaluate the full data set to determine next steps for lorcaserin in the indication. ...