ARTICLE | Clinical News

Catena: Extension study data

May 30, 2011 7:00 AM UTC

The open-label, Belgian Phase II DELPHI-E extension study in 19 patients from the Phase II DELPHI trial showed that Catena for 2 years reduced the rates of decline in peak expiratory flow (PEF) and maximum inspiratory mouth pressures (MIP) compared to the mean 21 months of non-treatment between the end of DELPHI and the beginning of DELPHI-E. Catena did not change the rate of decline in forced vital capacity (FVC). Additionally, Catena improved PEF in patients ages 16 and older as well as FVC in patients 18 and older in the DELPHI-E study when compared with similar DMD patients from natural history data obtained at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Data were presented at the Congress of Myology meeting in Lille. ...