ARTICLE | Clinical News

Bydureon exenatide once weekly: Additional Phase III data

July 4, 2011 7:00 AM UTC

Data from 194 evaluable Type II diabetics in the open-label extension of the open-label, North American Phase III DURATION-1 trial showed that Bydureon exenatide once weekly significantly reduced HbA1c by 1.6%, FPG by 33 mg/dL and weight by 2.3 kg from baseline to 3 years. Additionally, 57% of patients who completed 3 years of treatment achieved an HbA1c of <=7%. No cases of major hypoglycemia were observed. Patients received Bydureon or twice-daily Byetta exenatide for 30 weeks in DURATION-1 and then either continued treatment with Bydureon or switched from Byetta to Bydureon. Data were presented at the American Diabetes Association meeting in San Diego. ...