ARTICLE | Clinical News

Bydureon exenatide once weekly: Additional Phase IIIb data

July 4, 2011 7:00 AM UTC

Data from 346 evaluable Type II diabetics in the open-label extension of the open-label, international Phase IIIb DURATION-3 trial showed that Bydureon exenatide once weekly significantly reduced HbA1c from baseline to week 84 vs. Lantus insulin glargine (1.2% vs. 1%, p=0.029). Additionally, a significantly greater proportion of patients receiving Bydureon achieved an HbA1c of <=6.5% vs. Lantus (31% vs. 20%, p=0.009), but a non-significantly greater proportion achieved an HbA1c of <=7% (45% vs. 37%, p=0.084). Patients receiving Bydureon also had significantly greater weight loss compared to Lantus (2.1 kg vs. a gain of 2.4 kg, p<0.001). Data were presented at the American Diabetes Association meeting in San Diego. ...