ARTICLE | Company News

NPS, GlaxoSmithKline deal

August 8, 2011 7:00 AM UTC

NPS and GlaxoSmithKline terminated a 1993 deal to develop and commercialize compounds to treat osteoporosis and replaced it with a new deal under which GSK assigned all rights to an undisclosed number of compounds, including INDs for SB-423557 ( NPSP790) and SB-423562 ( NPSP795). Both compounds are small molecule calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) antagonists, which have completed Phase I trials. NPS will look to evaluate the compounds in autosomal dominant hypocalcaemia with hypercalciuria.

Additionally, the companies expanded the licensed field of research for ronacaleret, which was discovered under the 1993 deal, to allow GSK to pursue stem cell transplants in addition to osteoporosis and other bone disorders. GSK will be responsible for all development, manufacturing and commercialization and NPS will be eligible to receive milestone payments and royalties. In 2008, GSK discontinued a Phase II trial of ronacaleret in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis based on a six-month interim analysis that showed 3 of 4 doses of ronacaleret had not met the primary endpoint of clinically improving lumbar spine BMD vs. placebo (see BioCentury, Sept. 29, 2008). Details were not disclosed. ...