ARTICLE | Clinical News

Ebixa memantine regulatory update

October 11, 2010 7:00 AM UTC

The U.K.'s NICE issued an appraisal consultation document that would allow for the broadened use of 4 Alzheimer's disease (AD) drugs, including Ebixa memantine. The agency now recommends the NMDA receptor antagonist for moderate AD in patients intolerant to AChE inhibitors or in patients with severe AD. H. Lundbeck, Neurobiological Technologies and Merz market Ebixa. NICE, which previously said Ebixa should only be used in clinical trials, said a new model by NICE's assessment group showed that memantine delayed time to institutional care by about 0.8 months compared with best supportive care. NICE also said a new economic model submitted by H. Lundbeck showed that memantine "dominated" best supportive care. ...