ARTICLE | Clinical News

Odanacatib: Extension study data

November 1, 2010 7:00 AM UTC

Data from a 2-year extension of a 2-year, double-blind Phase IIb trial showed that 50 mg once-weekly odanacatib for 4 years in 13 evaluable patients increased BMD by 10.7% in the lumbar spine and 8.3% in the hip compared with baseline. Conversely, BMD increases that were achieved with 50 mg odanacatib over the 2-year study returned to or near baseline in the 38 patients who received placebo during the 2-year extension. The 2-year extension enrolled 141 postmenopausal women who were re-randomized to 50 mg odanacatib or placebo. Data were presented at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research meeting in Toronto. ...