ARTICLE | Clinical News

Enbrel etanercept: Additional Phase IV data

March 8, 2010 8:00 AM UTC

Additional 2-year data from the double-blind Phase IV COMET trial in 411 patients with early, active moderate to severe RA showed that 57% of patients who received Enbrel plus methotrexate for 2 years (EM/EM) achieved clinical remission, while 58% of patients who received Enbrel plus methotrexate for 1 year after receiving Enbrel monotherapy for 1 year (M/EM) achieved remission. The partners previously reported that 50% of patients who received Enbrel monotherapy for 1 year after receiving Enbrel plus methotrexate for 1 year (EM/E) achieved clinical remission vs. 35% of patients receiving methotrexate monotherapy for 2 years (M/M) (see BioCentury, June 22, 2009). ...