ARTICLE | Clinical News

Kaletra lopinavir/ritonavir: Phase III data

July 26, 2010 7:00 AM UTC

In the ongoing, 96-week, open-label, international Phase III PROGRESS trial in 206 antiretroviral-naïve patients, Kaletra plus Isentress raltegravir met the primary endpoint of non-inferiority to Kaletra plus Truvada emtricitabine/tenofovir in the proportion of patients achieving HIV-1 RNA levels <40 copies/mL at week 48 (83% vs. 85%). Additionally, mean CD4+ T cell increases from baseline were similar between treatment groups at week 48 (215 vs. 245 cells/mm 3, p=0.237). Data were presented at the International AIDS Conference in Vienna. ...