ARTICLE | Company News

Orion, Sun Pharmaceutical, Wockhardt neurology, generics news

August 30, 2010 7:00 AM UTC

Orion granted Sun and Wockhardt rights to market generic versions of Stalevo levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone to settle separate patent infringement suits between Orion and the other companies. Sun can market the 25/100/200 mg and 37.5/150/200 mg strengths of Stalevo in the U.S. beginning April 1, 2012, other strengths beginning Oct. 2, 2012. Wockhardt has rights to market generic versions of Stalevo, excluding the 25/100/200 mg and 37.5/150/200 mg strengths, in the U.S. beginning on April 1, 2012. Wockhardt will have rights to market the other strengths six months after Sun is granted its license from Orion. Sun also received rights to market generic versions of Comtan/Comtess beginning April 1, 2013.

The infringement suit against Sun was filed in 2007, while the Wockhardt suit was filed in 2009. Orion included the news in its 2010 interim report and first announced the settlement in June. ...