ARTICLE | Company News

SangStat, Novartis Pharmaceutical Corp. transplant news

April 3, 2000 7:00 AM UTC

SANG said the High Court of Justice Chancery Division Patents Court in London ruled that the Medicines Control Agency acted properly in granting U.K. marketing approval for SangCya Oral Solution, SANG's cyclosporine to prevent rejection following solid organ transplant. A NOVN U.K. suit alleged that SangCya, a bioequivalent of NOVN's Neoral, infringed NOVN's U.K. Patent No. GB2200048B covering an intravenous formulation of cyclosporine (see BioCentury, July 26, 1999). The MCA approved SangCya in January 1999. In March 1999 SANG also filed for approval of SangCya capsules. ...