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Antigenics to acquire Aquila

August 21, 2000 7:00 AM UTC

AGEN entered into a definitive agreement to acquire AQLA for 2.5 million newly issued AGEN shares valued at $16 per share, for a total value of $40 million. Under the terms of the acquisition, AQLA shareholders will receive 0.2898 AGEN shares for each share of AQLA stock held, valuing AQLA stock at $4.67 per share. The acquisition is expected to combine AQLA's Stimulon (QS-21) family of vaccine adjuvants and its preclinical CD1 antigen discovery program with AGEN's heat shock protein based vaccines for cancer and infectious diseases, including AGEN's Oncophage vaccine, which is in Phase III testing to treat renal cell carcinoma. AGEN was up $0.313 to $16.188 and AQLA was up $0.063 to $4.438 on Monday. ...