ARTICLE | Preclinical News

Genentech develops antibiotic against multidrug resistant Gram-negatives

September 12, 2018 9:13 PM UTC

Genentech Inc. researchers have developed arylomycin derivatives with potent activity against Gram-negative bacteria, including multidrug resistant (MDR) strains. The small molecule could represent a notable step forward against Gram-negative bacteria, for which no new class of antibiotics has been approved in over 50 years.

Arylomycins are macrocyclic lipopeptides that target bacterial signal peptidase I (bacterial lepB) produced by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; however, researchers have focused on developing arylomycins targeting Gram-positive bacteria. Previously no arylomycin had shown activity against Gram-negative MDR pathogens with a dual cell membrane...