ARTICLE | Tools & Techniques

Genmab's Hand-me-down

January 1, 2007 8:00 AM UTC

In 2005, Genmab A/S plucked a bundle of cancer targets from the remains of former proteomics company Europroteome AG. Last month, Genmab provided its first look into the assets, announcing it is developing antibodies against a new target, ZP3A, a protein that is highly over-expressed in multiple solid tumors but not in normal tissue. The antibodies work via ADCC and complement activation, and the company hopes they'll reach the clinic by 2008.

Zona pellucida glycoprotein 3A (ZP3A) is found on the surface of oocytes, where it helps sperm bind to the egg. It also is present at low levels in healthy human colon, but not in critical organs like the brain, heart, liver or lungs. ...