ARTICLE | Clinical News

Actimab-A: Additional Phase I/II data

June 22, 2015 7:00 AM UTC

Additional data from 12 previously untreated AML patients >=60 in cohorts 1-3 of an open-label, U.S. Phase I/II trial showed that Actimab-A plus low-dose cytarabine led to 2 cases of complete remission with different degrees of hematological recovery (CRi) at the 1.5 uCi/kg/fraction dose and 1 case of CRi at the 1 uCi/kg/fraction dose. Additionally, 75% of patients evaluated after cycle 1 (n=8) had bone marrow blast reductions with a mean reduction of 68% and 5 patients had reductions of >=50%. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 2.4 months. ...